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Search date: 17-05-2018 Return to current date: Click here

Blacklisted millers eligible to supply rice under govt procurement drive

A total of 194 millers have made agreement with food office authority to supply rice

Our Correspondent | May 18, 2018 00:00:00

MAGURA, May 17: Harvesting of Boro is very close to completion in Magura. In the meantime Boro procurement drive has been started in the district. Blacklisted millers are now eligible to supply rice under ongoing government drive.

Magura district food office sources informed, they started Boro procurment drive with a target of procure 3927 tonnes of rice. The procurement rate is Tk 38 per kg. About 45 tonnes of rice has already been procured in the district till May 14 starting from May 12.

A total of 194 millers have made agreement with food office authority to supply rice. In last Aman procurement drive only 8 millers supplied rice as black listed 168 milers were not allowed to supply rice.

Bakit Hossein, a miller in village Shatijitpur under Magura sadar upazila said, in last Boro season we only 8 millers supplied rice under government drive. At that time the procurement rate was lower compared to that in local market. We stood by government facing loss. But most of the millers in the district did not supply rice to avoid loss. For this they were black listed and was not allowed to supply rice in last Aman drive. But this year they are supplying rice. We do not support this decision of government. Those who did not stand by government during lean period should not be allowed only to make profit.

Another blacklisted miller Saroar Hossen said, as blacklisted millers could not supply rice in last Aman drive procured amount of rice was meagre. For this government stock fell short and middlemen hiked rice price making syndicate. For the greater interest of government authority has allowed us to supply rice. This decision is positive and appreciable.

Another miller Jafar Mollik of village Parla under Magur sadar upazila said, we are getting prepared to supply rice under Boro drive. This year a bumper production of Boro paddy has been achieved in the district. Moreover procurement rate by the government is hopeful. We shall be able to fulfill our agreement with government and make a good profit.

Magura District Food Controller Rezaul Hoque said, "We have allowed black listed millers in ongoing Boro procurement drive. This is a national policy. As procurement rate is good this time we are optimistic to achieve rice procurement target smoothly."

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