Correction (20-032018)
March 20, 2018 00:00:00
The first two sentences of the fourth paragraph of the article titled 'ADR and the perception of lawyers', published in the March 18, 2018 issue of the FE (on Page-6), should actually read as: "As I have argued elsewhere that, contrary to the conventional wisdom, in Bangladesh, there is not too many but rather too few cases (http://www.theindependentbd. com/arcprint/ details/64060/2016-10-16). This would be particularly true when we would consider the population figure and high concentration of land-related legal disputes - both civil and criminal. And the challenge for our legal system is to address the long delay in settling court cases, not so much in stemming the number of cases."
And the last paragraph of the same article should actually read as: "Lawyers are among the most significant stakeholders of ADR, and if they do not have confidence in this mechanism, it is difficult to get the system to be functioning well. Thus, if the government wants to promote ADR in this country, they have to engage with lawyers and have to do a better job in selling ADR to them. Mere altruism may not be enough to persuade many lawyers about the merits of resorting to ADR."