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Making train journey more attractive

April 03, 2019 00:00:00

Travelling by train is very popular in our country. The railway is cheap, convenient, safe and comfortable. I always prefer taking the train when the option is available. In China, I experienced a journey by bullet train and found it comfortable. The train was very fast and ran 206 kilometres an hour. Such a train can travel between Dhaka and Chattogram in one and a half hours.

Now our neighbouring country India is also trying to bring modernism in its train service. There is a huge scope for improving the service of the Bangladesh Railway. If we improve the train service then it will reduce pressure on the highway.

Train journey is usually much safer than a road trip. By introducing a faster train and attracting more passengers, the Bangladesh Railway can earn good revenue.

Mohammed Sohel hara

Bonosree, Dhaka

[email protected]

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