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Search date: 30-05-2018 Return to current date: Click here

World Cup Football

May 30, 2018 00:00:00

FIFA-2018 World Cup football is just round the corner and like elsewhere in the world, football lovers of Bangladesh are preparing to welcome the biggest football bonanza. Like all previous years, majority of Bangladesh football fans are mainly divided into two camps ? Brazil and Argentina, while smaller groups support Germany, Spain, Portugal etc. World Cup fever is seemingly catching more people in the country as already Facebook users are changing profile pictures or cover photos to display their support for their team.

There are many supporters who hoist the flags of nations they support on their roof top. A newspaper report has reported that a farmer from Magura sold all his cultivable lands to make the longest flag of Germany, the team he supports. This is the height of eccentricity. We do not see such tendency in case of other world cups, Cricket World Cup for example. Hoisting flags of other nations on our roof tops should be stopped. As an independent nation, we should have due respect for our country and its national flag.

Probir Chandra Das

Assistant Director

Private University Management Division, University Grants

Commission of Bangladesh

[email protected]

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