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Search date: 22-09-2019 Return to current date: Click here


September 22, 2019 00:00:00

BD lists items for Indonesia mkt access

Bangladesh has readied a list of 300 products for duty-free access to the Indonesian market under a proposed Preferential Trade Agreement (PTA). The list will be sent next month to Jakarta that also will send another list of 300 products to Dhaka for scrutiny under the bilateral market access move. Page 16

$2.0m project for female tea workers

The government will undertake a US$ 2.0 million two-year project for the country's female tea workers to improve their lifestyle and ensure their social safety net coverage. Female tea workers employed in three districts of Sylhet division will come under the donor-aided project coverage. Page 16

US to send troops to Saudi Arabia

The Pentagon is preparing to send weapons and hundreds of troops to Saudi Arabia to help the nation boost its military defences after the recent terror attack that knocked out half of the country's crude oil production.

Page 6

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