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Parliamentary Election 2018

Dr Kamal guardian of Pak ideology believers: AL

December 26, 2018 00:00:00

Awami League joint general secretary Abdur Rahman said Dr Kamal is working as the guardian of those who still believe in Pakistani ideology, reports UNB.

The AL leader came up with the remark while briefing journalists at the political office of AL President Sheikh Hasina in the city's Dhanmondi area.

Abdur Rahman said, "Dr Kamal yesterday (Monday) pronounced the name of Yahya Khan who was one of the culprits behind the mass killing of 1971. If Dr Kamal stands in front of a mirror of conscience, he will see himself in the mirror."

Jatiya Oikya Front chief Dr Kamal Hossain said on Monday those who try to deprive people of their voting right are the enemies of independence and successors of Pakistan's Yahya Khan.

The AL leader went on saying, "Now, Dr Kamal is not only working as the guardian of those who not only believe in Pakistani ideology but also patronise the killers of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and his family, four national leaders, thousands of armed forces offices, including Major Khaled Mosharraf, Colonel Taher, Shafayet Jamil, killers of August 21 and war criminals including their family members."

BNP-Jamaat and Oikyo Front men are attacking our people and creating violence across the country, alleged the senior AL leader.

"They also attacked, torched the election campaign offices and Awami League and its alliances by conducting violent activities...the recently leaked phone conversations are the proof. We have also been informed that they are planning to carry out violence sensing the certain defeat in the election."

The Awami League senior leader also called upon all to remain alert about the evil activities of BNP-Jamaat and reply them through casting vote for 'Boat' symbol.

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