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Landslide lurks as monsoon sets in

Our Correspondent | July 08, 2019 00:00:00

CHATTOGRAM, July 07: Landslide is one of the key perils facing the port city of Chattogram with the return of the rainy season every year.

The rains have brought with it a portent of mudslides-a recurring danger for the families living on foothills.

Landslide occurs for massive and unplanned hill cutting. As it is always claimed, rampant hill cutting is behind landslide here, particularly in the rains.

More than 50,000 hillside people are passing days at high risks of landslips amid incessant rainfall since last Thursday.

On the credit side, Chattogram district administration started evacuating dwellers from July 03.

As monsoon has set in, several teams shifted 300 families from hills on Saturday night as part of an intensified drive.

Chattogram deputy commissioner Mohammed Ilias Hossain said, "We've evacuated 300 families in an overnight drive. The drive is ongoing."

"We've shifted around 2,000 evacuees to eight shelters. Environment department, police and other government departments concerned are cooperating with us."

Due to precautionary measures, Mr Hossain said, deaths from landslides have decreased. Last year, only three persons were killed in landslides. "This year, we're shifting all people to shelters."

The past few days' continuous downpour has made the hills risky for hilltop and hillside dwellers.

Sadar circle assistant commissioner (land) Ismail Hossain said, "There are more than 17 hills where families are living at consideration risk to their lives during monsoon."

Influential figures have set up slums and establishments on hills illegally. More than 835 families are living on hillsides, he added.

"The administration has already snapped gas, power and water lines from houses illegally built on foothills."

On July 03, the authorities evicted around 200 people from multiple thatched houses.

Despite measures by the administration to shift people from hillsides to safety during monsoon, sources said, the hillbillies return soon after the rains stop.

Some 200 hills in and around the port city have already been labelled as fully and partially threatening the environment.

Gangs of miscreants are engaged in destroying hills for long in connivance with security forces, especially police, and local influential persons, they cited.

An estimated 50,000 people run risks of living on hillsides at Lalkhanbazar, Baizid Bostami, Motijhorna, Shershah Colony and other hilly areas in rainy season.

Despite warning, they try not to leave their hillside houses as they have no other shelters here. So, casualties are there.

During past landslides, many dwellers left their houses but all returned to Lalkhanbazar, Baizid Bostami, Motijhorna, Khulshi, Panchlaish, Sholoshahar, Foy's Lake, Oxygen Intersection and Polytechnic hilly areas.

Talking to hill dwellers, it was learned that they are living on hillsides for no permanent shelter for them.

They are in fear of major landslides in rainy season. But they cannot go anywhere for the reason.

Landslide occurs for massive and unplanned hill cutting in Chattogram by some dishonest people, upsetting the local ecological balance.

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