Information Minister Dr Hasan Mahmud said on Saturday BNP-Jamaat and Jatiya Oikyafront have got isolated from people, which has been proved through their miserable defeat in the last general elections, reports BSS.
"BNP and Jamaat along with Oikyafront leader Dr Kamal Hossain are now busy with conspiracies to topple the government. So, they are going to foreigners time and again. But the countrymen slapped them through the parliamentary elections," he said, speaking at a meeting at the AL president's political office in the city's Dhanmondi.
Hasan was exchanging views with the leaders of Awami League units in different European countries with AL All European Union President MA Nazrul Islam in the chair.
AL Deputy Office Secretary Barrister Biplob Barua was present at the meeting while AL All European Union General Secretary Mujibur Rahman conducted it.
Hasan, also the publicity and publication secretary of the ruling party, said BNP and Jamaat killed people by throwing petrol bombs. The nation could not forget it and gave a befitting reply through ballots, he added.
About the Dhaka North City Corporation (DNCC) elections, the minister said turnout on the polling day was satisfactory.
"The polls day was a holiday and many voters went to their village homes. Besides, there was no strong competitor and it was a rain-marred day. The city corporation election was also a by-election and on the whole, the polls day witnessed low turnout," he added.
Hasan said the polls were held peacefully and there was no vote rigging. "But a vested quarter is spreading falsehood regarding the polls," he added.
The AL leader urged the expatriate leaders to remain alert and run campaigns abroad against the falsehoods so that the foreigners are not confused, he added.
The minister also urged them to highlight the development of Bangladesh. "Bangladesh has now turned into a middle-income country under the dynamic leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. The country is now surplus in food," he added.
Hasan also gave thanks to all expatriate AL leaders for its role during the bad time of Awami League. He urged the AL leaders to cooperate the new committee of the AL All European Union.