Govt committed to establishing lasting peace in CHT
Says Bir Bahadur
July 18, 2019 00:00:00
The government is firmly committed to establishing long-lasting peace in the hill region by implementing the peace accord, said State Minister for Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) Affairs Bir Bahadur Ushwe Sing on Wednesday, reports UNB.
"Despite having many adversities, the government is sincerely working for the full implementation of the CHT peace treaty to establish long-lasting peace and improve the living standard of people in the region," he said.
Bir Bahadur came up with the remarks while speaking at the Deputy Commissioners' Conference at the auditorium of the Cabinet Division.
The state minister said the initiative for developing the CHT began ending the longstanding bloody conflict and violence with the signing of the peace treaty under the leadership of then Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on December 02, 1997.
Stating that there are only three per cent of cultivable plain lands in the CHT, he said the government is giving priority to socio-economic development of the region through poverty alleviation.
Bir Bahadur said different ministries and development partners are implementing various development projects and programmes in the CHT for improving the living standard and socioeconomic condition of its residents.