RANGPUR, Aug 31 (BSS): The chehlum of former President, founding Chairman of Jatiya Party and former Chief of Staff of Bangladesh Army Hussein Muhammad Ershad was observed at 17 places here today seeking eternal peace for his departed soul.
Local unit of Jatiya Party arranged doa mahfils after Johr prayers at 17 places, including at 'Palli Nibas' residence of Ershad and 11 places under Rangpur city and five places in five unions under Sadar upazila.
The main doa mahfil was arranged after Johr prayers at 'Palli Nibas' residence compound in Dorshona area of the city where the former President was laid to eternal rest.
Ershad's wife and Senior Co-Chairman of Jatiya Party Begum Rawshan Ershad, MP, her son Sa'ad Ershad, Presidium Members of the party Anisul Islam Mahmud, MP, Ziauddin Bablu, MP, Secretary General Mashiur Rahman Ranga, MP, Selim Osman, MP, Liyakat Ali Khoka, MP, Mayor of Rangpur and Presidium Member and President of city Jatiya Party Mostafizar Rahman Mostafa, General Secretary SM Yasser, and other central and local leaders of the party and its associate bodies were present.
While offering Fateha at the grave of Ershad on 'Palli Nibas' residence compound, Begum Rawshan Ershad and senior leaders of Jatiya Party and its associate bodies turned emotional.
In Rangpur city, 11 more doa mahfils were arranged on Uttam High School ground, Khotkhotia High School ground, Mohabbatkhan Huigfh School ground, Keranirhat High School and College ground, Barobari high School ground, Lalkuthi High School and College ground, Mulatol Alia Madrasha ground, New Jummapara Primary School ground, Robertsonganj School and College ground, Mahiganj Girls' High School ground and Taluk Tampat High School ground.
In Sadar upazila, five doa mahfils were arranged on Palichara High School ground in Saddyapuskorini union, Shahbazpur High School ground in Chandanpat union, Mominpurhat Dakhil Madrasha ground in Mominpur union, Paglapeer High School ground in Haridebpur union and Ganjipur High School ground in Kholeya union.
Thousands of leaders and workers of Jatiya Party, its associate bodies and common people participated in the chehlam programmes and doa mahfils.