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Capital Market Expo begins tomorrow

April 03, 2019 00:00:00

Bangladesh Capital Market Expo, a fair on capital market, will start on April 4 (Thursday), a release said.

The fair will be continued till April 6 at Shilpakala Academy in the capital Dhaka.

The organiser of the Expo announced the schedule of the fair on Tuesday at a press briefing at the Economic Reporters' Forum (ERF) office in the capital.

According to the release, economic affairs adviser to the Prime Minister Dr. Mashiur Rahman will attend the inaugural ceremony of the Expo and the chairman of BSEC Prof M Khairul Hossain will also attend the programme as special guest at the tree-day long Expo.

Different merchant banks, stock brokers, asset management companies, credit rating agencies and listed companies will present their products and services in the fair.

Seminar and discussions will be arranged in the fair and the chairman of the securities regulator and the representatives of different capital market-related associations will also attend the programmes.

The expo will remain open during 10:00 am to 8:00pm for visitors.

Arthosuchak.com, a business web portal, is the organiser of the expo.

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