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DSE/CSE News in Brief (15-03-2018)

March 15, 2018 00:00:00


Dividend disbursement

Padma Oil Co. Ltd: The company has disbursed cash dividend for the year ended on June 30, 2017 to the respective shareholders' bank accounts through BEFTN. Besides, shareholders, whose cash dividends have not yet been deposited in their respective bank accounts, are requested to contact with company's share section. Contact No. 031-614235-7, Ext. 314.

Board meeting

BRAC Bank Ltd: A meeting of the Board of Directors will be held on March 22, 2018 at 3:30 PM to consider, among others, audited financial statements of the Company for the year ended on December 31, 2017.

Resumption of trading

Dutch-Bangla Bank Ltd.: Trading of the shares of the bank will resume today (Thursday) after record date.

Suspension of trading

Legacy Footwear Ltd: Trading of the shares of the company will remain suspended on record date, today (Thursday) for EGM.

Decision to purchase land

The Ibn Sina Pharmaceutical Industry: The board of directors of the company has decided to purchase 20.00 decimal land at Amborkhana, West Choukidekhi Sadar, Sylhet, for Dipo office purpose with total cost of Tk. 19.76 million, excluding registration fees and other related cost.

DSE training on initial public offerings

Training Programme on "Initial Public Offerings: Processes and Procedures" will be held on March 28-29, 2018 at 3:00 pm - 7:00 pm. For registration and information, contact to DSE Training Academy, 9/G Building (5th floor), Motijheel C/A, Dhaka-1000 with a fee of Tk. 2000.00 only. Queries in this regard may be directed to the Academy at 9564601, 9576210-18, Ext. nos. 157, 158, 01730357148 or email at training@dse.com.bd. Registration is considered on first come first served basis.

Training on investors' awareness programme

Training on "Investors' Awareness Programme" will be held on March 31, 2018; Saturday at 10:00 am - 4:30 pm. For registration and information, contact to DSE Training Academy, 9/G Building (5th floor), Motijheel C/A, Dhaka-1000 with a fee of Tk. 500.00. Queries in this regard may be directed to the Academy at 9564601, 9576210-18, Ext. nos. 157, 158, 01730357148 or email at training@dse.com.bd. Registration is considered on first come first served basis.


Recommendation of Dividend

LafargeHolcim Bangladesh: The company has recommended 5.0 per cent final cash dividend (i.e. total 10 per cent cash dividend for the year 2017 inclusive of 5 per cent interim cash dividend which has already been paid) for the year ended on December 31, 2017. The AGM will be held on June 07, 2018 at 11:00 am. The record date is on April 08, 2018. The venue of the AGM will be notified later. The company also reported Consolidated EPS of Tk. 0.69, consolidated NAV per share of Tk. 13.15 and consolidated NOCFPS of Tk. 1.12 for the year ended on December 31, 2017 as against Tk. 1.92, Tk. 13.24 and Tk. 2.26 respectively for the same period of the previous year. LafargeHolcim Bangladesh Limited has requested the valued shareholders to update their bank accounts, routing numbers, addresses, contact numbers, e-mail addresses, e-tin numbers etc. through their respective Depository Participants (DPs) before the record date.

Board meeting

United Commercial Bank: The board meeting of the bank will be held on March 20, 2018 at 3:00 pm to consider, among others, audited financial statements of the company for the year ended on December 31, 2017.

BSEC imposes fine on sponsors, directors

Dragon Sweater & Spinning: BSEC has imposed fine of Tk. 0.5 million each to the sponsors and directors of Dragon Sweater & Spinning Ltd. namely Mr. Mostafa Quamrus Sobhan (Chairman), Mr. Mostafa Golam Quddus (Managing Director), Mrs. Fazlutun Nessa (Director), Mrs. Fauzia Quamrun Tania (Director), Mrs. Tasnia Quamrun Anika (Director) and Mrs. Shafia Sobhan Chowdhury (Director) for noncompliance of securities laws in connection with utilisation of IPO proceeds.

EGM notice to increase authorised capital

BRAC Bank: The board of directors of the bank has decided to hold an EGM to pass the following resolution as special resolution: To increase authorised share capital of the company from Tk. 12.00 billion to Tk. 20.00 billion as well as amendment of clause 6 of the Memorandum of Association and clause 4 of the Articles of Association of the company subject to the approval of regulatory authorities and shareholders in the EGM. The EGM will be held on 26 April 2018 at 10:00 am at BRAC-CDM, Savar, Khagan, Dhaka. Record date for EGM is on 03 April 2018.

Road show for IPO

Baraka Patenga Power Limited: The company has arranged a road show for the proposed IPO under Book Building method. The road show will be held on March 28, 2018 at 7:00 PM at International Convention Centre Bashundhara (ICCB), Hall-1 (Gulnaksha), Kuril Bishwa Road (Next to 300 ft. Purbanchol Express Highway), Dhaka-1229.

— DSE/CSE Online

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