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Eon Gr building hi-tech industrial dairy farm

FE Desk | April 28, 2019 00:00:00

Eon Bio Science Ltd, a concern of Eon Group, is building an Integrated Hi Tech Industrial Dairy Farm in Bangladesh, which is expected to bring change in the country's dairy farming

Sustainable production, processing and consumption of milk and dairy products will benefit people in Bangladesh which will also help achieve sustainable development goals (SDGs).

Only 25 per cent of the total requirements of milk are being produced in Bangladesh and rest of the demand is met by import of milk powder from different countries of the world.

This poor production of milk is obviously due to absence of high genetic value dairy cows in Bangladesh where the indigenous non-descriptive dairy cows are producing 1.00-1.5 liters of milk and the cross bred cows are producing only 8-10 liters of milk per day on an average.

To minimise huge gap between demand and supply by producing more milk, Eon Group, a leading business conglomerate, has come with a solution which will help overcome the situation.

Eon Bio Science Ltd (EBSL) - a sister concern of Eon Group, has taken an initiative to establish an Integrated Hi Tech Industrial Dairy Farm in Bangladesh, which is expected to bring change in the country's dairy farming.

The project will contribute in increasing the income of the rural farmers having dairy cows and encourage the farmer to invest more in milk and meat production.

The project will also create direct and indirect employment of more than 200 people initially, which will be increased to 2,000 gradually over a period of 10 years. In addition, there will be employment generation for 600 people as agent to deal with milk and milk products,

EBSL has already built dairy sheds and installed barn equipment, including headlocks, cubicles, rubber mats, adequate drinkers, cow brushes, feed fence cooling system and dairy fans, to provide better accommodation and comfort to cows.

Besides, it arranged import of pure breed Holstein Frisian pregnant Heifers from Australia. After arrival in July 2019 these heifers will start giving birth of calf from November 2019 and start production of milk at a rate 25 liters per day on average, according to a statement.

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