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Search date: 09-05-2019 Return to current date: Click here

Future of Dhaka as a mega city: Lessons from Shanghai-Pudong experience

The world is rapidly becoming urban. Today, over 55 per cent of the world's 7.0 billion people live in urban centres, mostly in cities in Asia. Nine out of 10 top mega cities with 10 million or more people are in Asia. As of 2018, Shanghai with 24.1 million people...

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Consumption fuels economic growth

Generally, consumption refers to the use of goods and services by households while consumption expenditure is the purchase of goods and services for use by households. Consumption contributes to the growth of an economy as it creates demand of the goods and services. To satisfy this demand, people spend money,...

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Psychological autopsy crucial to prevent suicide

Suicide is a global public health problem which is the outcome of complex interaction of numerous factors such as genetics, individual psychology, surrounding social factors, and cultural issues. What stipulates a person to take own life is still unanswered in specific fashion, and this acts as a prime obstacle in...

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