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Migrants get cool welcome in Mexican town

November 19, 2018 00:00:00

CAMPO: Mountain Minuteman Robert "Lil Dog" Crooks' belongings in his truck while on patrol at Patriot Point along the US-Mexico border in Campo, California on Saturday. Crooks, who has been on look-out at the border for over Ten Years, alerting Border Patrol agents to illegal or suspicious activity — AFP

TIJUANA, Nov 18 (Agencies): Many of the nearly 3,000 Central American migrants who have reached the Mexican border with California via caravan said on Saturday they do not feel welcome in the city of Tijuana, where hundreds more migrants are headed after more than a month on the road.

The vast majority were camped at an outdoor sports complex, sleeping on a dirt baseball field and under bleachers with a view of the steel walls topped by barbed wire at the newly reinforced US-Mexico border.

The city opened the complex after other shelters were filled to capacity. Church groups provided portable showers, bathrooms and sinks. The federal government estimates the migrant crowd in Tijuana could soon swell to 10,000.

Tijuana Mayor Juan Manuel Gastelum has called the migrants' arrival an "avalanche" that the city is ill-prepared to handle, calculating that they will be in Tijuana for at least six months as they wait to file asylum claims.

Meanwhile, Pope Francis criticised rising wealth inequality and the treatment of migrants on Sunday, saying the world should not ignore those "tossed by the waves of life".

"Injustice is the perverse root of poverty," Francis said at a Mass marking the Roman Catholic Church's annual World Day of the Poor.

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