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Search date: 25-04-2019 Return to current date: Click here

Bamboo product makers seek loans on easy terms

Roving Correspondent | April 25, 2019 00:00:00

A couple of bamboo basket makers showing their products in Panchbibi upazila of Joypurhat on Wednesday — FE Photo

JOYPURHAT, Apr 24: More than 400 people in the district are leading their lives making bamboo products.

Craftsman Amulya of Panchbibi upazila said, "It is our ancestral profession. We are trying to meet up family expenses by making different types of products with bamboo. It is our love, passion."

Anindita of Akkelpur upazila said, "I make bamboo baskets with my husband. To prepare 12 to 17 small baskets we usually spent Tk 700 to Tk 1,000. We earn around Tk 900 to Tk 1,300 every week."

A small bamboo basket is being sold at Tk 60 to Tk 70, a medium one at Tk 80 to Tk 100 and a large basket at Tk 200 to Tk 400 in the local markets.

Artisans can make five to 10 baskets with a large size bamboo.

A good number of bamboo product makers urged the government to introduce loan facilities for them on easy terms so that they can continue their profession without any hassle.

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