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Labour shortage hampers Boro harvest in Magura

Our Correspondent | April 29, 2019 00:00:00

MAGURA, Apr 28: Boro growers in the district are in a big worry as shortage of labourers is hampering the harvest this time.

A good number of farmers said most of the labourers are refusing to work in the field amid this prevailing stifling summer heat and those who want to work are demanding Tk 700 per day.

"Is it possible for us to pay such high amount for harvest every day? As Boro crop requires a huge production cost, it is quite impossible for us to meet up this additional cost", they further said.

The Department of Agriculture Extension (DAE), Magura sources said over 39,950 hectares of land were brought under cultivation of Boro in the district.

Some 0.15 million tonnes of rice are expected to be produced from the area this season, DAE officials added.

Golum Murtaza of Norihati village under Sadar upazila said he cultivated Boro on four bighas of land.

He said "I have been waiting for the last seven days to hire some labourers for harvesting my Boro crop, but no one wants to work in the prevailing weather."

One Motin Mollah of Vina village said, "I work as farm labourer during every paddy harvest season. But I am not doing this season amid this adverse weather. Paddy harvest is hard in such heat.

Magura DAE official Shohrab Hossein said acute labour crisis is prevailing in the district. It would take more time to complete Boro harvest this season.

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