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One held for abducting, raping schoolgirl in Pirojpur

October 18, 2020 00:00:00

PIROJPUR, Oct 17 (UNB): Police on Friday arrested a 25-year-old man on charges of abducting and raping an eighth-grade schoolgirl in Pirojpur's Nazirpur and holding her for 16 days.

The arrestee, PrashantaHaldar is the son of KalipadaHaldar of Purba Lara village in Malikhali union of the upazila.

The victim's father, a resident of Champakhali village of the same union, filed a case with Nazirpur Police Station on Thursday night.

According to the case sources, the accused used to offer love to the victim at different times. Upon refusing, Prashanta forcibly abducted the victim on July 13 from the street in front of her house and detained her until July 28.

During the period the victim was violated and later she was rescued by her father.

Nazipur Police Station Officer-in-Charge (OC) Munirul Islam Munir confirmed the matter and said Prashanta was arrested after the victim's father filed a case against him.

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