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Adequate sleep is vital

November 04, 2018 00:00:00

Sleep is very important for the well-being of a man or woman. It is as important as proper nutrition and exercise. Without a good sleep pattern, men cannot function properly.

Urban people tend to have little time for relaxation and due to excessive work pressure, they do not get adequate sleep. People often stay awake after midnight. They squander their valuable time by watching TV or browsing the internet. This impacts their overall health.

Because of lack of sleep, most adults and some children tend to feel lethargic during the daytime. This affects their concentration and attention at work and school. A healthy sleeping habit is vital for all. Adults need to get at least seven hours of sleep daily. Children need to get more, between eight to nine hours.

Lack of sleep can make people irritable and unsociable. It can play havoc on their memories, health and appearance. Some people become obese as when they stay awake, they tend to consume more snacks. Other health complications from sleep deprivation include heart disease, heart failure, heart attack, high blood pressure, stroke, and diabetes. This is why people should get regular sleep at specific times of every night and wake up after a sound sleep. They should follow the routine even on weekends, in order to stay fit.


Uttara, Dhaka

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