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Bicycles return to city roads

September 19, 2018 00:00:00

Many people are using bicycles in the cities now. In any traffic congestion, bicycles can go through the narrow empty spaces on the sides of the road. Undoubtedly, it is now a more efficient mode of transport after motorcycles in urban areas as buses, cars and other vehicles are usually stuck in traffic.

Cycling also benefits human health and the environment.

Usually, due to busy schedule, people cannot regularly exercise. But cycling can ensure that they are getting their daily dose of exercise. Cycling helps in building stamina, toning muscles, reducing calories, cholesterol and stress, improving cardiovascular fitness.

Cycling is also safe for the environment as these are not running on fuel.

I hope more and more people will use bicycle and make their life easy, healthy and smooth.

Mohammed Sohel hara

Banasree, Dhaka

[email protected]

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