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Can change in uniform improve police service?

January 23, 2025 00:00:00

In July and August, the police have faced numerous allegations of mass killings and torture. Various factors, including corruption, political influence, and misconduct, have eroded public trust in the police. In post-August 5 Bangladesh, police reform has been prioritised over reforms in other forces. As part of this effort, the interim government has proposed changing the uniforms of three forces, including the Bangladesh Police.

However, alongside the uniform change demanded by the public, reforming the professional behaviour of the police is equally crucial. A significant portion of the Bangladesh Police remains more focused on displays of power than on providing service. Complaints about harsh and inhumane behaviour towards the public are widespread. This repressive attitude has significantly undermined public confidence in the force. Allegations of irresponsibility in official duties, delayed service delivery, and bribery have further tarnished their image.

The police must undergo training to foster a more friendly and empathetic approach towards the public. Each officer should be made aware of the importance of protecting human rights and adhering to the proper application of the law. Regular counselling sessions should be introduced to help officers manage mental stress effectively. To maintain discipline, a zero-tolerance policy against corruption should be enforced.

Developing professionalism within the force is equally important. International-standard training should be introduced to enhance skills in crime investigation, strategic thinking, and the use of modern technology. Transparency in the performance of duties must be ensured to build public trust. Policemen should be held accountable for their actions, as accountability fosters both public confidence and internal discipline. Strong and ethical leadership at the top level is essential to boost the morale and effectiveness of the force.

While the initiative to change police uniforms is commendable, it represents only an external transformation. True modernisation of the police force in Bangladesh requires a profound shift in professionalism and attitude. This transformation will not only enhance the efficiency and public orientation of the police but also pave the way for a safer and more orderly society.

Ashikujaman Syed

A business development manager

[email protected]

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