Drinking water during the winter
November 21, 2018 00:00:00
During the winter season, people do not feel as thirsty as they do during summer or other times of the year. As a result, most people tend to drink less during this season. This is not healthy.
Water is very important for the survival of any life form on earth. Nearly 55 to 75 per cent of the human body is made up of water.
Every day human beings lose around three litres of water through processes like perspiration, respiration, excretion and more. This amount needs to be replenished. Water loss for a human body depends on the size of the person, his or her metabolism, the weather he or she is facing, the food he or she is having and activities they are engaged in.
The human body gains approximately 20 per cent of its required water from various food items. The remaining 80 per cent needs to be through drinking fluids like water. Not drinking enough liquid can spell disaster for a person and his/her overall wellbeing. It can cause dehydration and also increase the risk of kidney diseases, urinary infection, headache, lethargy, skin problem and tiredness etc.
Also, the dry weather during winter causes rashes, dry skin and dandruff in many people. These problems can be pushed away by drinking adequate amount of water daily.
As such, we should to drink water adequately in winter.
Pragati Sharani, Dhaka