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Search date: 29-04-2019 Return to current date: Click here

Extortion and high price of daily necessities

April 29, 2019 00:00:00

In parliament, Agriculture Minister Dr Md Abdur Razzaque admitted that extortion is going on from Dhaka-bound vegetable transports at different points. Consumers were assured that the prices of essential commodities will not be raised during the holy month of Ramadan but the market is indicating a totally different picture. Traders have to pay extortion money to law enforcers and influential people when they bring everyday commodities to Dhaka. Due to extortion on the road from trucks carrying goods, prices of items in the kitchen market in the capital go up. The extortion money is finally shifted on the common people.

I remember during the last caretaker government period, all sorts of extortions were stopped. Now from the law enforcers to the third gender (transgender), everyone demands extortion and people have no other way but to give in.

If the government wants, it can stop this extortion right away.

Masud Rana

Dhanmondi Dhaka

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