Food adulteration
Food adulteration |
April 17, 2018 00:00:00
INDISCRIMINATE adulteration of food items continues unabated across the country putting public health under increasing threats of health hazards. For example, using formalin to preserve fruits, fish etc has become a common practice for traders in our country. The government is yet to come down hard on these offenders in true sense of the term. Unless the government does so, dishonest businessmen will continue to dominate the market. The government must be firm on these people who are behind this chemical onslaught. When we buy some food stuff from the market, we must not be worried about adulteration of any kind. In western countries, people are now convinced about the need for organic products as they have realised the detrimental effects of chemical-laden food products on their overall wellbeing. Nowadays we also see common people in our country becoming conscious and holding demonstrations for ensuring food safety. Food adulteration with poisonous chemicals has reached ominous proportions posing serious health risks. Indeed, reality is far more alarming than what we see with our naked eyes. The onus lies with the government and it should immediately start a long term sustained campaign against food adulteration by creating widespread awareness among people so that they also join hands with the government and work together to foil any attempt being made by unscrupulous businessmen in this regard. Food adulteration is a heinous crime and it is a crime against humanity.
Imran Aziz
Niketon, Dhaka