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Search date: 28-08-2018 Return to current date: Click here

Importance of drinking adequate water

August 28, 2018 00:00:00

Bangladesh is experiencing a very hot summer this year. Most adults and children do not drink enough water daily. This is seriously harmful for human health as nearly 95 per cent of the brain and 82 per cent of blood in human body is made of water.

As such, water plays an important role. Water regulates the temperature in the human body. Water also removes harmful toxins, helps to filter the kidneys and cleanses the liver. It helps the body recover from mental and physical fatigue, carries nutrients and oxygen to cells in the brain and other parts of the human body.

Given the temperature and humidity that is experienced in the country, most adults should have at least three litres of water. Most individuals lose water while breathing, sweating, and digestion.

More awareness needs to be generated about drinking safe and adequate amount of water. People should also avoid artificial juices and carbonated drinks as these are unhealthy. It needs to be remembered that there is no substitute for water.

Mohammed Sohel Hara

Banosree, Dhaka

[email protected]

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