Innovative and creative approach to social problems
March 07, 2019 00:00:00
Recently, an article went viral in social media platforms. The piece informed readers about how Touhidur Rahman, an Upazila Nirbahi Officer (UNO) of Birampur Upazila, Dinajpur, had taken some steps to eradicate begging from his area.
Touhidur had called all 29 adult beggars in his area, along with their children and nearest relatives, to his office. Once they were there, he discussed that begging is not good and that the solvent children should take charge of their elderly and disabled parents and relatives. Eventually, 20 families took back their family members who were engaged in begging. They committed that these people will no longer beg. Remaining nine beggars were helped by the UNO personally. The UNO felt that a humanitarian and cooperative approach to begging can eradicate it from society.
The incident once again shows that an innovative and creative approach to a problem can bring about positive results.
Md. Zillur Rahaman
Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd.
Lalmohan Branch, Bhola.