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Search date: 03-09-2022 Return to current date: Click here

Place of worship for Hindu students at Dhaka College

September 03, 2022 00:00:00

Dhaka College is well known to everyone as one of the leading educational institutions of Bangladesh. It was Dhaka College that once made Dhaka the heart of English education in East Bengal. Even now, it is one of the best colleges in Dhaka city. Here, students of different religious faiths live in the halls of residence. The college has eight residential halls. Of them, one is designated only for Hindu and other minority students. However, it is sad that this hall does not have a place where Hindu students can pray. The three-storey residential hall should have a place of worship for them. There is no specific temple or shrine for daily religious practice for the Hindu students.

We urge the authorities concerned to look into the issue and do the needful as soon as possible. The hall designated for Hindu and other minority students has an acute problem of residential rooms. The number of seats is too inadequate to accommodate such students. We hope all these problems will be resolved soon.

Prashenjith Chandra Shil,

Student of Department of Political Science,

Dhaka College, Dhaka,

[email protected]

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