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Quality food for the farmers who feed the nation

April 07, 2019 00:00:00

This refers to the editorial piece published in the Financial Express on April 5, 2019 with the title 'Quality food for those who feed the nation'. This was a timely piece. As I am an agriculturist and work closely with rural farmers, I am aware of the general health and nutrient levels of the country's growers.

I have visited the farmers in their fields and in their farmhouses. During such visits, I have observed that most of them do not maintain balanced diets, though they are engaged in the production of various nutritious crops including cereals, fruits, and vegetables. They sell fresh and quality produces first to meet other expenses, rather than to consume these.

I believe that the findings of a study by Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies (BIDS) on food produces and food intake by farming communities are very important. These can be the basis for the policy-makers to plan and implement a new programme aimed at improving the health of farmers and their family members.

The FE editorial had pointed out that farmers are not getting fair prices for their crops. I have learnt the same from farmers while conducting technology disseminating events. This is another area that needs intervention. We need to ensure reasonable price support by developing the existing marketing systems. We should take care of the farmers, who are taking care of the nation.

Md Refatul Hossain

Deputy Director

Department of Agricultural

Extension (DAE)

Khamarbari, Shariatpur

[email protected]

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