Questionable road safety in the country
April 22, 2018 00:00:00
The unfortunate incident of Rajib's death who lost his hand due to collision between two buses trying to overtake each other has brought to the fore the pitiable state of road safety in the country. It has left us wondering about what is going to happen next. Drivers still drive their vehicles while violating traffic rules and their attitude remains unchanged. Hardly a day goes by without a gruesome road accident taking place in some part of the country or the other and in most cases, innocent people are the victims.
A few days ago, we noticed a great sense of urgency of the government body when a US-Bangla aircraft crashed in Nepal. We would like to see similar importance being given to road accidents as number of accidents has reached alarming proportions. All citizens should be equal in the eye of law. The government needs to take strong measures to protect peoples' lives. Road safety must be ensured at any cost.
Abul Khaer
Department of Zoology
Govt. Saadat College, Tangail.
[email protected].