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Search date: 22-09-2019 Return to current date: Click here

Social media as pressure group

September 22, 2019 00:00:00

Social media networks are increasingly becoming a strong pressure group in society. The common people are now sharing their opinions in this platform and if an issue draws public attention and has its merit, the government and the law enforcement people take quick actions. As more people are using Facebook, twitter, YouTube, WhatsApp etc., they are becoming dependent on these platforms which are not, however, the mainstream media. Professional newsmen have in recent times followed up reports taken from disclosures made in the social media. We also see rumours spreading fast through the social media. So, the mainstream media can help overcome the situation by focussing on evolving issues and developments professionally. Informed people should contribute to generating informed debates but not create panic in society. We need to use the social media more judiciously alongside newspapers and televisions to ensure public welfare.

Mohammed Sohel Hara

Bonosree, Dhaka

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