Letters to the Editor
Youth awareness in politics essential
February 23, 2025 00:00:00
Since the onset of the "July Revolution," young people across the country have become increasingly conscious of politics. They are thinking critically about governance and the welfare of the state, with a strong intent to bring positive change to the country's political culture. Under the previous regime, the people lost faith in the political system, as their democratic rights were denied. The July Revolution emerged as a response to this grievance, with people rallying for democracy, freedom of expression, the rule of law, and justice.
Following the events of August 5, the nation continues to aspire to these ideals. Young people, in particular, are actively engaging in the country's reform efforts. Additionally, the general public is becoming more aware of their rights-political or otherwise.
The youth now play a crucial role in the country's politics, as they were the driving force behind the revolution. With this influence comes great responsibility-not just to the nation and its people, but also to the democratic process itself. They must actively participate in democracy and advocate for its practice. Furthermore, they should lead awareness campaigns, especially among marginalized communities, to restore faith in democracy. By leveraging their knowledge of global political systems, young people can help shape a more progressive political culture in Bangladesh.
The youth of Bangladesh have demonstrated to the world that they are stronger than any dictator. Therefore, they must remain vigilant to ensure that no new dictatorship ever emerges again.
Azizul Hakim Rakib
Department of International Relations
University of Rajshahi