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Search date: 02-11-2020 Return to current date: Click here

Canal reclamation in Ctg city

Even three decades ago, the aerial view of the port city of Chattogram could be made out distinctively. The green undulating city interspersed with hills and hillocks, its sparsely populated vast areas with few high-rises and the sea-rimmed Patenga kept it apart from the stifling capital. When Dhaka had been...

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A mismatch that cannot be ignored

A statistical mismatch is not an extraordinary issue. It does happen, in many cases. But when the gap in data compiled by different entities is very wide, there are genuine reasons to look into the reasons and also to be concerned.Such a mismatch has come to light only recently over...

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Presidential prerogatives

US President Donald Trump's refrain that the US "is turning the corner" on the coronavirus pandemic just at a time when his country has started reporting a record number of daily cases should have shocked any sane person anywhere. But those familiar with his method in madness will be least...

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Raising voice against sexual harassment

Sexual harassment of women continues to remain pervasive across the country. It happens almost everywhere and anywhere --- even in public places and transports.We often see women getting harassed and verbally abused in public transports by a section of male passengers, drivers, and their associates. Hardly does anyone come forward...

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Rise of women entrepreneurs

The Covid-19 pandemic seems to have come as an opportunity for some women entrepreneurs. As people are becoming more dependent on e-commerce platforms day by day, a good number of women entrepreneurs have come forward to launch their startup companies and ventures.During the difficult times of the pandemic, women entrepreneurs...

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Goodbye, James Bond!

Scottish actor Sean Connery passed away recently at the age of 90. He is the first to introduce the James Bond character in the history of cinema. There have been many subsequent James Bonds but none of his successors could claim to come anywhere near the one and only Sean...

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Use of foot overbridges

Dhaka city has only a few foot overbridges or pedestrian overpasses that pedestrians use for crossing roads. Instead of pedestrians, these bridges are mainly used by floating people, beggars and hawkers. Sometimes, they are kept in such conditions that people avoid them and risk their lives by jaywalking indiscriminately.These over-bridges...

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