Imbroglio over LNG supply
That the government agencies are incapable of delivering designated services due to their incompetence and lack of coordination has again been proved in the case of an important energy sector operation---import of liquefied natural gas (LNG) and supply of the same to the transmission pipeline through re-gasification at a floating...
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Clean bricks from green technology
There is hardly any argument that among the many hazards affecting the environment, brick making is one that not only adversely affects the ecosystem but more significantly leaves a ruinous impact on a host of livelihood means of the masses, notably among others cultivation. This is particularly so when it...
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Collective efforts for implementation of SDGs
Hot on the heels of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have recently become a global watchword. The MDGs had become a hype in the media though most goals were not fulfilled. The SDGs of late are widely and frequently discussed with the aim to eliminate...
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Decline in overseas jobs for Bangladeshi migrants
An article published in the Financial Express on December 18 reported that there has been a decline in overseas jobs for Bangladeshi migrant workers in 2018.The article highlighted that according to the Ministry of Expatriates' Welfare and Overseas Employment (EWOE), 712,342 workers migrated to different countries of the world from...
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Developing passion for reading
A good book is like a lifelong friend. The habit of reading can be developed at any age. In order to make a habit of reading, one should start by reading some 10 or 20 pages daily. A new reader can make a list of the books he or she...
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Benefits of rising early
Often people are seen complaining that they do not have enough hours in a day to complete all their tasks. They can easily get done with most of their daily chores if they maintain the habit of going to bed early and waking up early. Rising early can help a...
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