Letting bad loans sink into oblivion?
It is not at all surprising that banks, specialised or otherwise, and financial institutions (FIs) are not making serious effort to recover the bad loans that they write off from time to time. The situation, predictably, is a bit serious in the case of five state-owned specialised banks and FIs...
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Knowing true colour of the money
The debate over facility extended to whiten 'black money' or legalise 'undisclosed income' returns on the occasion of announcement of most budgets. Though the facility was first offered in the mid-seventies, it remained more or less a recurrent event during the past three and a half decades. Despite strong opposition...
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Team Bangladesh stand out in this WC
If rain has been a spoiler of matches of the International Cricket Council (ICC) World Cup 2019 in England and Wales, the most acerbic complaint against the tournament is a lack of nail-biting competition. Not a single match has produced the adrenaline rush and thrill that spectators either on galleries...
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More women becoming entrepreneurs
A woman faces many social obstacles to become an entrepreneur in Bangladesh Despite that, a good number of women from urban and rural areas are engaging themselves in online businesses. These women are taking care of their family members, and maintaining their day-to-day household activities. There are tremendous opportunities for...
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Using footbridges: Safety vs convenience
Now-a-days commuting in Dhaka is a risky affair. For pedestrians, the city corporations have set up many footbridges but they are not being used for the purpose they were built. People are not yet habituated to take some trouble to use footbridges, instead they like to jaywalk. The traffic department...
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E-commerce and role of media
"I ordered by prepayment and didn't got my goods delivered," "They have shown me one product and sent another," -- these are the types of complaints we often hear about online shopping. Although they are as bad as they sound but they represent a very small portion of total transactions...
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