After the July uprising, the students have given us a great opportunity to discuss the new aspects of the country. The interim government came to power after the uprising waged by the students and people. Therefore, this government is not like a traditional government. Since they are not a political government, they do not have any political agenda based on any particular party ideology. Therefore, a large part of the media covers various dialogues on reforms and elections for the purpose of national unity.
The student-public uprising of July-August 2024 has created a rare opportunity for us to fully build the national structure.
The July uprising is an inseparable new chapter in our national life. Bringing back the sovereignty that was almost lost because of the dictatorial system through the joint movement of the students and the people is our greatest achievement so far. With high hopes, the freedom was gained in 1971 in exchange for the blood of millions of martyrs, but unfortunately, later that freedom turned into sadness and despair. Respects, nationalism, dignity, ethics, social and human values all were destroyed. Our conscience was almost extinct today. The entire nation was silent, helpless and the hostage to the exercise of opportunism and incompetence. Therefore, July 2024 came with a glorious victory of protecting the freedom of speech of the people and the sovereignty of the country.
In the case of many countries, revolutions or major political upheavals (like the July Revolution in France in 1830) often prompt a period of reform and negotiation providing an opportunity for political forces to come together, engage in meaningful dialogue, and set the stage for reforms that ensure democratic processes and a more inclusive society moving forward.
In past two decades, there had been a significant lack of political stability transparency in the electoral system, as well as a lack of continuous reform. As a result, whoever was in power in the country became a dictator. They ignored the general public, the constitution, and the norms and principles of the law and seized power by force, and subordinated the state institutions.
Elections without reforms will not be able to move this country forward in order to build a new Bangladesh. The entire nation is unanimous today on reforms in the country's governance system and elections. National unity and electoral reforms are two issues that are strongly related to each other. The electoral system must be radically reformed so that people's faith in applying the voting rights can be increased and through this, the country's political landscape can be changed in a democratic manner. Unity, reforms and elections will not be successful without each other. Reforms without unity or elections without reforms will not be able to move Bangladesh forward. Reforms are necessary, because a democratic culture could not be developed in the country in the past mainly due to the lack of democratic culture in almost all political parties.
Bangladesh's electoral system is ostensibly an independent system. However, political interference by the executive branch has repeatedly affected the electoral process. In the past, electoral violence and flawed electoral processes created various problems. Reforms are needed to ensure the independence and autonomy of the Election Commission. Close monitoring based on modern technology is needed to ensure transparency and speedy results in the voting process. For fair elections, it is very important for all political parties to reach an agreement and create a safe electoral environment for the people. One-sided elections do not maintain public trust and result in political instability and the emergence of authoritarian governments.
It is necessary to establish unity and consensus on national and international issues among the major political parties in the country, by respecting the expectations of the people and ensuring their active participation, so that a long-term and solid policy can be determined for the welfare of the people. National unity is possible only when political parties abandon their interests and unite for the welfare of the people.
It is essential to create goodwill and respect for each other's opinions among political leaders and parties. Political stability and trust in a fair electoral system must be created among the people. Any political movement or discussion should respect human rights. Reform is a long-term process, through which the country's electoral system will be stronger and more equal, and political parties will come together to work for the welfare of the country. A transparent electoral process on the basis of democracy and justice will make the country's political landscape better and more solid. State reform is essential to prevent the re-emergence of authoritarian regimes.
Many are busy forcing the interim government to hold elections without giving it the opportunity to complete the minimum reforms required for a fair election. It may not be possible for the interim government to reform everything. It needs time. The twelfth national parliamentary elections were held on January 7, 2024. If the trend continues, the thirteenth national parliamentary elections are scheduled to be held in 2029. If free, impartial, and fair elections are to be held, elections to various local government structures should be held first. This will show the capacity of the Election Commission and the extent of the reforms of the interim government. Otherwise, elections will be held not only in the dark of night but also in broad daylight. Who know some people may be asking for this? The idea that the mess of sixteen years will be fixed or may be fixed within six months of the July-August uprising. This kind of thinking is nothing more than a fantasy. In no way it will be right to hold elections without the trial of fascists and meaningful reforms! Everyone must focus on fixing the national structure by cooperating with the interim government. If necessary, the Advisory Council must be reformed and strengthened!
The people want reform and an electoral system where there will be the right to vote and that vote will be the deciding factor (of power), there will be an accountable system. Above all, there should be no centralisation of power. Without establishing an accountable state system, it is never possible to achieve democracy and human dignity. We must be vigilant so that elections do not turn into a political business.
The opportunity to build a destiny does not come again and again. We wasted the opportunity many times. In 2024, another opportunity has come through the pupils. Their mass movement has brought the opportunity to build a new Bangladesh of their dream. The student community has led from the front in every political movement and struggle in Bangladesh, even though it has been weakened for various reasons.
In a politically divided society like Bangladesh, at least when it comes to reforms, all parties must come forward with national interest as a priority. All parties must stand beyond party or group considerations. Reforms, national interests and consensus should be the main topics of discussion, and party conflicts should not take precedence in this regard. The responsibility of political parties is to accept this entire process with sincerity and honesty. They should discuss the reform issue with logic and information and finally reach a consensus. Effective coordination through reforms and elections will pave the way for greater political unity and consensus in the future. Due to the lack of political unity, some self-interested people with the spirit of the so-called liberation war opened fire on the protesting students. Even the investigation by the United Nations found how the fascist government did injustice to the people of its own country.
Establishing national unity will help in establishing political stability, economic and social development in the country. Transparency in the electoral reform process and unity among political parties will help the country stand as a stable state. Democratic institutions will be strengthened, which will lead to a long-term democratic process. It will help increase the country's economic growth and international investment. More attention should be paid to social development and public welfare, such as health, education, and eliminating unemployment. The July uprising in Bangladesh has created the possibility of moving forward on the path of democracy, justice and tolerance. Reforms and changes aimed at fulfilling the aspirations of the people will prevent the imaginary aspiration of fascism returning to Bangladesh in the future. If this great opportunity is wasted, we will have to pay a high price. Therefore, we have to build on this opportunity on the path to our democratic future.
The six commissions formed by the interim government's Chief Adviser have already submitted their recommendations. In order to create harmony among all political parties for the sake of reform, he held a special meeting with the representatives of all parties for coordination and opinion survey, where he clearly stated that reform was essential for building a beautiful Bangladesh and he wants to do it based on the opinions of all. And in this regard, he made it clear to the leaders of all parties to provide their respective opinions in writing where they have the right to disagree in any way, fully or partially, on any aspect of the proposal. He ensured that all parties could give their opinions for or against any issue of the reform proposal, but it must be written and properly signed. He wants to make it public by publishing it on the website. If the political parties can reach a consensus by highlighting their own positions, it can be another Magna Carta of Bengal in 2024 in the world court for building the future Bangladesh.
Professor Sarwar Jahan is the initiator and founder of Southern University Bangladesh and a sustainable development activist.
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