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Graft revelations just the tip of the iceberg

TIB says, seeks steps to book all the corrupt

FE Report | September 22, 2019 00:00:00

Transparency International Bangladesh (TIB) said on Saturday the revelation of corrupt youth and student leaders during the ongoing crackdown is just the tip of the iceberg.

It has called for stringent steps to hold those involved in corruption accountable, sparing nobody in the name of politics, according to a statement.

Citing the drive encouraging, the anti-graft watchdog said its end result in terms of an effective control of corruption would depend on its sustainability.

TIB issued the statement followed the clampdown on extortionists, casino operators and tender manipulators who are either leaders or close aides of the ruling party's youth and student affiliates.

TIB executive director Dr Iftekharuzzaman said, "The action taken against a few youth and student leaders has exposed acts of deep-rooted corruption in the name of politics under protection."

He termed the startling disclosures very shocking but not surprising.

"Irrespective of whichever party has been in power, political linkage and position of power have been viewed as licence to self-enrichment at the expense of public interest."

Mr Zaman said corruption has been institutionalised at nearly every level through connivance and collusion of business, politics, administration and law enforcement.

"What is needed now is to ensure that the drive that has just started is not put under the carpet short of ensuring accountability of everyone involved at all levels."

Mr Zaman said corruption and abuse of politically linked power is no monopoly of leaders of student and youth organisations in the capital and around.

Even other front organisations of the political party are also not immune from the malaise, he stated.

The TIB executive said it is also no secret that student and youth leaders simply follow and replicate the practice of their leaders as role models in parent bodies.

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