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Search date: 24-06-2019 Return to current date: Click here

Higher bank borrowing to crowd out pvt investment

Higher bank borrowing target to meet the budget deficit will worsen the private investment drought as money market faces an acute shortage of funds spawned by rising troubled loans, speakers warned on Sunday.They said the recapitalisation of banks at the cost of public resources cannot be justified since this money...

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Salary spike leaves little effect on graft

The salary hike has hardly made any visible progress in checking corruption among the government employees, an anti-graft campaign group said.Some 14.26 per cent of the national budget is spent on salaries and allowances of the public administration, but graft remains in place, the Transparency International Bangladesh (TIB) said in...

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10 cos in capital market make up loan defaulters' list

As many as 10 companies in the capital market and one brokerage firm are among the top 300 loan defaulters, whose names were revealed in parliament on Saturday.These 11 companies have swallowed a total of Tk 19.80 billion in default loans and one of them is among top 25 loan...

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BPC's 'payment automation' launch hits snag

The launch of planned 'payment automation' of state-run Bangladesh Petroleum Corporation (BPC) is facing hurdles due to opposition from certain quarter.As a result, its planned launching on July 01 has already been deferred.A committee headed by director marketing of the BPC is currently scrutinising the pros and cons of the...

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BTV to be aired in India soon

Information Minister Dr Hasan Mahmud informed on Sunday that Bangladesh Television (BTV) would be aired in India soon."A technical team will visit New Delhi from June 25 to June 27 to this end and the programmes of BTV would be aired in all over India soon," he told reporters at...

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Prayer Timings-(24-06-2019)

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Today's Match (24-06-2019)

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