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BB favours bond issuance by market intermediaries

The central bank has suggested that the securities regulator allow stock market intermediaries to issue bonds for improving the inflow of liquidity in the country's capital market.The suggestion came at an informal meeting with the high-ups of Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (BSEC) held at the Bangladesh Bank (BB) headquarters...

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GDP more of a 'black box' to common man

Some leading economists on Sunday suggested exploring 'exceptional indicators' that would help make the economic development visible and easily understandable to the common man. They also expressed their reservation about the integrity of national statistics and advocated for using the 'high-frequency' data in some areas of the country's economy.The economists...

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BR agrees to change design as per BBA’s requirement

Bangladesh Railway (BR) has finally agreed to change the design of Padma Bridge Rail Link (PBRL) project by readjusting and reconstructing some of its piers for getting required vertical and horizontal clearance.Railway Minister Mohammad Nurul Islam Sujon said BR will now change, revise and readjust the design of the piers...

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India’s bid to change tack

India is interested to sign a deal with Bangladesh on trade remedial method, but wants to exclude 'countervailing measures' from the proposed pact, according to officials.The two sides have agreed to ink a memorandum of understanding (MoU) for establishment of a framework of cooperation in the area of trade remedial...

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Cabinet approves draft of law

The cabinet Sunday approved the draft of the "Women and Children Repression Prevention (Amendment) Act, 2020," to replace the ordinance promulgated by the President a few days ago, keeping the provision of death penalty for rape, reports BSS."The draft of the 'Women and Children Repression Prevention (Amendment) Act, 2020', which...

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Death toll crosses 5,800-mark

With 23 new coronavirus-related fatalities on Sunday, the death toll due to the deadly virus infection crossed 5,800-mark in the country, according to the Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS).The total fatalities now stand at 5,803, and the densely populated country of around 165 million population is currently ranked 30th...

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With no customers around

With no customers around, salespersons of the garment outlets sit idle at the Alam Shopping Plaza at South Keraniganj in Dhaka on Sunday, as businesses slow down amid the pandemic — FE photo by Shafiqul Alam

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Prayer Timings-(26-10-2020)

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