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Boris raises UK's concerns over Rohingya crisis with Suu Kyi

November 22, 2020 00:00:00

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has spoken to Myanmar's State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi and raised the UK's ongoing concerns with the Rohingya crisis and conflict in Rakhine, reports UNB.

During telephone conversations on Friday, the British Prime Minister and Suu Kyi discussed the challenges facing Myanmar.

He began by congratulating her on her party's recent electoral victory, according to British Prime Minister's office.

The elections mark another important step in Myanmar's transition to democracy, said the British Prime Minister.

The two leaders discussed how countries can work together to tackle the coronavirus pandemic.

Ahead of the UK hosting COP26 next year, they also agreed on the importance of combatting climate change.

The British Prime Minister reaffirmed the UK's commitment to the wider Indo-Pacific region and to a closer partnership with ASEAN.

The human rights situation in Myanmar deteriorated, particularly in Rakhine and Chin states, and civilians increasingly bore the brunt of the conflict, said the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office in a ministerial statement on human rights priority countries on Friday.

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