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DMCH team yet to file report on Khaleda’s illness

April 03, 2018 00:00:00

The medical board, formed to check BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia's ailment, has not submitted its report yet, Dr Md Shah Alam of Dhaka Medical College Hospital said, reports bdnews24.com.

The DMCH deputy director, during a media briefing on Monday, said: "The medical team has not submitted any report yet. We do not know about her health condition whether she needs to get tested or not."

Dr Alam added that the reports of medical tests will be handed directly to the jail authorities as Khaleda was not a patient admitted at DMCH.

The medical board was formed on Saturday amid concerns of BNP that its chief Khaleda was physically vulnerable behind bars.

Prof Shamsuzzaman, head of orthopaedics at DMCH, is leading the board. Dr Monsur Habib (neurology), Titu Mia (medicine) and Soheli Rahman (physical medicine) are other members.

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