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Pak Foreign Minister briefs Momen on Kashmir situation

September 04, 2019 00:00:00

Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi apprised on Tuesday his Bangladeshi and Iranian counterparts on the latest situation in Indian Occupied Kashmir following New Delhi's unilateral move to strip Kashmir of its autonomy, according to a report by https://tribune.com.pk

Qureshi briefed Bangladeshi Foreign Minister Abdul Momen on the situation in the Himalayan valley over telephone.

Momen emphasised on the importance of resolving disputes through dialogue and discussion, and the two ministers agreed to remain in contact.

Separately,Qureshi in a phone call with Javad Zarif thanked the Iranian government and its people for supporting the Kashmiri people in the occupied valley, where a lockdown has entered its 30th day.

"He briefed Zarif on the illegal and unilateral actions of India to alter the disputed status of Jammu and Kashmir," the Foreign Office said in a statement.

Qureshi underlined that steps taken by India in occupied Kashmir posed threats to the region's peace and stability.

The actions, he added, violated UN Charter, relevant Security Council's Resolutions, International Law and India's own commitments.

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