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ACC nabs CMCH clerk with bribe money

FE Report | June 25, 2018 00:00:00

The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) on Sunday caught an upper division clerk of Chattogram Medical College Hospital red-handed while taking bribe.

Acting on a complaint, a team from the ACC's Chattogram integrated district office set a trap and arrested Milon Kanti Rudra with bribe money amounting to Tk 15,000, said ACC public relations officer Pranab Kumar Bhattacharjee.

Complainant Md Mozammel Haque went to the hospital for getting a medical certificate on his younger brother's injury, but Mr Rudra claimed Tk 25,000 in bribe.

Mr Haque already paid Tk 10,000 to him and informed the ACC about the matter. Later, ACC caught the clerk red-handed from near the medical college.

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