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Search date: 25-06-2018 Return to current date: Click here

AL for wellbeing of commoners: Amu

June 25, 2018 00:00:00

Industries Minister Amir Hossain Amu said on Sunday Awami League (AL) was founded 70 years back aimed at facilitating wellbeing of the common people in the country, reports BSS.

Highlighting the glorious history of Awami League, founded on June 23 in 1949 at the historic Rose Garden in Old Dhaka, he paid rich tribute to Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman who was not only a founder of the Awami League, the country's oldest political party, but also led the nation to its independence.

Amu said when Awami League came to power, the arrangement for food, shelter, education and healthcare services was made and the socioeconomic condition of the rural people improved.

He said the Father of the Nation struggled all through his life to ensure overall development of the people and fulfill their basic rights, adding, "Bangabandhu gave us an independent country and a separate identity in the world community."

Taking part in the budget discussion on the historic June 23, Commerce Minister Tofail Ahmed said Bangabandhu was the only leader who resigned from the post of a minister to reorganise his party and he announced Six-Point Demand which was ultimately an one-point demand for independence.

He said Bangabandhu within three and a half years of independence established all necessary institutions suitable for an independent country and constructed infrastructure along with rebuilding the war-ravaged country.

"Only Bangabandhu was able to return the allied force from Bangladesh to India within three months of independence.

And his able daughter Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has been taking forward the country on development of highways," Tofail said.

He said during 2009 to 2018 tremendous development was made in all sectors including economy, social and cultural fields under dynamic leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.

Referring to the country's growth rate, the minister said the growth rate of Bangladesh has already jumped to 7.6 per cent from 5.1 per cent.

Liberation War Affairs Minister AKM Mozammel Hoque said Sheikh Hasina has been leading Awami League for 37 years.

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