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Anti-drug drives to continue: IGP

June 25, 2019 00:00:00

FARIDPUR, June 24 (BSS): Inspector General of Police (IGP) Dr Mohammad Jabed Patwary today said anti-drug drives will continue across the country to save the young generation.

"With the help of various cross-sections of people, the anti-drug drives will be carried out to protect our young people from the menace of drug," he made the comment at a rally here.

Faridpur police administration and District Community Policing Forum jointly organised the rally on the Police Line premises in Faridpur.

"None will be spared if found involved in drug peddling and militancy. We have already taken tougher action against militancy and terrorism," the police chief said.

He urged all levels of people to extend their helping hands for protecting youths from drug abuse to build a healthy nation.

Presided over by Superintendent of Police in Faridpur Jakir Hossain Khan, DIG of Dhaka division Habibur Rahaman, newly appointed Deputy Commissioner.

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