Law Minister Anisul Huq and Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan said on Sunday BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia was set to be sent to Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU) on that day for medical tests as her personal physicians claimed she had suffered a 'mild stroke' in jail, reports UNB.
They, however, did not exactly say at what time she would be taken to the BSMMU as it depended on the jail authorities.
However, the jail sources said the BNP chief might be taken to the hospital today (Monday).
"What her physicians have said Khaleda Zia thinks she suffered a mild stroke. The Home Minister has informed me that she'll be taken to Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University today to conduct the necessary tests to decide whether she suffered the mild stroke or not," the law minister said.
He came up with the comment while talking to reporters after handing over the keys of vehicles to district judges at the Secretariat on Sunday.
Asked when she can be taken there, the Law Minister said he is not aware of it.
Huq said Khaleda was caught by her personal help Fatema while she was falling down around 3/4pm two days back as she was fasting.
He said jail physicians immediately examined her health and found her sugar level low due to fasting. "She turned normal after she took chocolates."
As she wished her personal physicals to examine her health, the minister said, they allowed her four doctors to meet her on Saturday.
The minister said the government will provide more facilities to Khaleda Zia for receiving treatment than a prisoner deserves as per the jail code.
Later, the Home Minister said the government is hundred percent sincere about the BNP chairperson's treatment.
Talking to reporters at the Secretariat, he said her personal physicians and jail doctors advised to conduct some physical tests of her. "We've already taken initiatives in this regard, and advised to send her to the BSMMU this noon. But the IG (Prison) will decide when she can be taken there," he added.
Asked why Khaleda to be sent to BSMMU instead of United Hospital, Asaduzzaman said there are renowned physicians and researchers alongside her personal physicians at the BSMMU.