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Nasim lied about Dr Kamal in JS, says Ganoforum

June 27, 2019 00:00:00

Ganoforum on Wednesday accused senior Awami League leader Mohammad Nasim of spreading lies in parliament about its president and Jatiya Oikyafront convener Dr Kamal Hossain with an 'ulterior' motive, reports UNB.

In a statement, Ganoforum executive presidents Prof Abu Syeed and Subrata Chowdhury, and general secretary Reza Kibria also denounced Nasim's comment that Dr Kamal made the field empty in favour of Awami League during the last general election.

"We strongly protest the indecent and discourteous comment and falsehood about Ganoforum president and Jatiya Oikyafront's top-most leader Dr Kamal Hossain by Awami League leader Nasim in parliament yesterday (Tuesday)."

According to media reports, Nasim told Parliament on Tuesday that Dr Kamal Hossain virtually worked in favour of Awami League though he had forged an alliance with BNP ahead of the 11th parliamentary election.

"He (Kamal) made the field empty by working in favour of Awami League, and we scored in the empty field... they (BNP) hired Kamal Hossain for (protecting their interests), but he worked for us," Nasim told parliament taking part in general discussion on the proposed national budget.

Disapproving the remarks, the three Ganoforum leaders said no courtesy can be expected from a ruling party MP of a parliament which was "turned down by people and formed through stuffing ballots the night before the voting day".

Being scared by the strength of Oikyafront formed with the participation of people, they said the Awami League leader resorted to the falsehood about Dr Kamal only to confuse people and create disunity among them.

"Such remarks were made with an ill intention of making the government's parochial political interests. We'll have to give a fitting reply to such audacity by strengthening the national unity further," the trio added.

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