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PM to lead global leaders' climate event tomorrow

October 06, 2020 00:00:00

Prime Minister (PM) Sheikh Hasina will chair a virtual event of global leaders on the climate change issue as the current President of Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF) tomorrow (Wednesday), reports BSS.

UN Secretary General António Guterres, Global Center on Adaptation (GCA) Chair Ban Ki-moon, Heads of States and Governments of the CVF countries, the United Kingdom and Italy, the host and co-host of COP26 respectively, The Netherlands, CVF Thematic Ambassadors and other international partners will be present at the event.

Dhaka along with the GCA will host 'CVF Leaders' Event' at 7:00 pm where Bangladesh ministers for Foreign Affairs and Environment, Forest and Climate Change will also join, a foreign ministry press release said in the city on Monday.

At the event, the CVF leaders and other speakers will focus on the urgent need for all countries to strengthen climate action and adaptation efforts by enhancing the Paris Agreement national contributions (NDCs) in 2020 at the event, said the release.

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