
14-member ICCB team off to Turkey to attend 5th WCC

Tuesday, 3 July 2007

FE Report
A 14-member delegation of International Chamber of Commerce, Bangladesh (ICCB) left the city Monday for Turkey to attend the 5th World Chambers Congress (WCC) of World Chambers Federation (WCF), an affiliate of the Paris-based ICC.
The WCC will be held in Istanbul from July 4 to 6. Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey is the co-host of the event.
Held every two years in different regions of the world, WCC is the only international forum for chamber leaders and executives worldwide to share experience, develop networks and learn about new areas of innovation from other chambers.
The WCF not only helps the individual chambers to become more productive, but also strengthens links between them.
Prime Minister of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan will inaugurate the WCC, and present the keynote address. Noble Laureate Muhammad Yunus will make a special address at the congress. Former US Secretary of State Madeline Albright and a host of business leaders are among the guests who will speak on different important topics on the occasion.
Led by ICCB President Mahbubur Rahman, Bangladesh delegation also included its vice presidents Latifur Rahman and Samson H Chowdhury, Dhaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DCCI) President Hossain Khaled, ICCB Executive Board Member Syed Manzur Elahi, ICCB members Nasir A Choudhury, Nihad Kabir, Laila Rahman Kabir and Sheela Rahman, DCCI directors Shamsul Arefin and Waqar Ahmad Choudhury along with Shahnaz Rahman, Anita Chowdhury and Nilufar Manzur.
ICCB President Mahbubur Rahman will chair the session on 'The Power of our "Chamber of Commerce" brand', to be held on July 5.
Judges have finished evaluating the entries for the 2007 World Chambers Competition, and announced the name of DCCI, among others, in the list of finalists under "Best Skills Development Programme".
The theme of the 5th World Chambers Congress is "Partnership for Prosperity".
Under the theme there will be discussions on issues such as how can international networks assist in the development of chambers of commerce, what are inter-governmental agencies doing to support the chambers' work, what are some initiatives proposed by the international development agencies and other groups to expand and improve chamber activities and foster local business growth, what can business and government do together to foster an enabling environment for private sector development in a market economy system.
It is expected that some 800 participants from more than 100 countries will attend the event.
AIBL rated at
Credit Rating Information and Services Ltd (CRISL), country's renowned credit rating agency, completed credit rating of Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited (AIBL) based on 31st December 2006, said a press release.
They submitted the rating report to the bank management on June 17, 2007. As per CRISL's report AIBL obtained BBB+ for long term and ST-3 for short term.
The rating agreement between AIBL and CRISL was signed on February 18, 2007.