
182 garment units yet to implement minimum monthly wages

Monday, 25 June 2007

FE Report
At least 182 garment factories across the country have not yet implemented the minimum monthly wages fixed by the government late last year, the BGMEA said Sunday.
The unions, however, said 40 per cent of the country's more than 4,000 garment factories have not ensured the payment of minimum monthly wages fixed at Tk 1662.50 at a tripartite deal involving the government, the unions and the industry.
The Bangladesh Garment Manufactures and Exporters Association (BGMEA) at a meeting with the adviser for labour and employment pledged to comply with the minimum wages by June 30.
Anowarul Iqbal, adviser for labour and employment, at the meeting warned that the government would shutdown the factories, which will fail to ensure minimum wages by the deadline.
BGMEA president Anowar-Ul-Alam Chowdhury Pervez told the FE Sunday that BGMEA's inspection team had visited 513 out of 641 factories that have not yet implemented the minimum wage board award.
"I came to know that 339 factories were paying minimum wages out of 513 visited by our team as of today (Sunday)," the BGMEA chief claimed.
BGMEA president expressed satisfaction over rate of payment of the minimum wages by the garment factories saying: "I am optimistic about the implementation of the minimum wages."
Nazma Akter, president of Sommilita Garment Sromik Federation (SGSF), said she is sceptical about the implementation of wages as claimed by the BGMEA.
"I think at best 40 per cent garment factories are paying minimum wages to workers," she added.
Aminul Islam Amin, general secretary of Jatiya Garment Sromik Federation (JGSF), told the FE that most of the garment factories were not paying the minimum wages at the factories.
He said: "We have sent letters to the adviser's office in this connection. We are likely to meet the labour and employment adviser shortly to inform him about the situation relating to the implementation of the minimum wages."
JGSF said it will publish the names of garment units which are not paying the minimum wages after June 30.
"We will publish the names of garment units through the press conference and also send a list to the adviser of labour and employment," JGSF secretary went on.
Musammat Asma, president of Bangladesh Garment Mukta Garment Sromik Union Federation (BGMGSUF) said her organisation will urge the owners for implementation of minimum wages.