
20 Bangladeshis will leave for Japan for JDS

Monday, 18 June 2007

FE Report
The send-off ceremony for the fellows of Japan Development Scholarship (JDS) was held at the Japanese Ambassador's residence in the city recently. The JDS fellows who had earlier returned after studying in Japan were also invited at the ceremony.
Out of 197 candidates, 20 Bangladeshi young government officers have been selected for JDS. The fellows have completed a two-month Japanese language training programme. They will leave for Japan at the beginning of July for studying for two years to get Master's degrees in six fields: Public Administration, Economics, International Relations and Environmental Policy.
During the ceremony, the Masayuki Inoue, the Ambassador of Japan called JDS fellows to keep in mind that both Bangladeshi and Japanese people expect a great deal from them for the development of their own country through making the best use of knowledge and experience acquired in Japan.
The formal title of Japan Development Scholarship is "The Japanese Grant Aid for Human Resource Develop-ment Scholarship (JDS)." This was established by the government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh with the assistance of the government of Japan starting from the year 2001. JDS will contribute to enhance the knowledge and skills of young Bangladeshi people so that they can play leading roles in the development of Bangladesh after completion of their studies.
In the last five years, a total of 107 JDS fellows were sent to Japan, and 73 fellows have already come back to Bangladesh with their accomplishments and ambitions to contribute to the country. These new 20 fellows are also expected to contribute to the development of this county in their field after their return.